Polar Plunges upcoming

Our Special Olympics Spotlight takes a look at a couple of unique fundraisers coming up the next two weeks–the Law Enforcement Torch Run Polar Plunge. The first one will be Saturday, February 29th in Campus Lake at SIU. The following Saturday, March 7th, the Rend Lake Plunge will take place at South Sandusky Beach.

To form a team, each member (5 member minimum) must raise $100 in donations. Meeting these requirements will qualify plungers for team prizes. Plungers will receive incentive-based prizes based on the amount of money they raise. By raising the minimum, plungers will receive an official Plunge hooded sweatshirt.

Over the past 21 years, more than 78-thousand plungers have raised more than $22 million.

To register or for more information, go here.